NTP Jobs 2023: We get National TB Control Program advertisement from the Daily The Nation Newspaper. Through this page, we are providing information on www.ntp.gov.pk. Candidates across Pakistan may apply for these employment opportunities.
Vacancies List: آسامیوں کے نام
- Deputy National Technical Advisor, Coordinator GF Grants, Manager M&E, Project Manager, Procurement & Supply Chain Specialist, Provincial Program Officer, Consultant, Supply Chain Specialist, Deputy Manager, Case Manager, Electrical Engineer, Training Coordinator, Dev & OPS/System Administrator, Gardener Warehouse, Pharmacist, Coordinator, Medical Imaging Technician, Screener, M&E Officer, National Prevention & Treatment Coordinator, Hospital Coordinator, HIV Physician, and PPTCT Coordinator.
Qualification: تعلیم
- Primary
- Middle
- Matric (Science/Arts)
- Intermediate (FA/FSC/DAE)
- Diploma
- Bachelor
- Graduation
- Master
اگرآپکو روزنہ فری میں جابزکی وٹس ایپ الرٹ چاہیے تو گروپ جوائن کریں۔ نیچھے گروپ جوائن کریں۔
How to Apply for NTP Jobs 2023? آپلائی کرنے کا طریقہ
- Candidates can forward applications online via To send an online application – Click Here.
- Age will be calculated with effect from the last date of submitting applications.
- Eligibility of candidate will be determined on the basis of his/ her academic qualification as given against each post.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for the purpose of test/ interview.
- Only shortlisted applicants will be called for test/ interview.
- The competent authority reserves the right to cancel/ postpone recruitment process at any stage.
- Candidates already working in government departments may apply through proper channels.
- To submit the information online.
- The closing date of availability of the Online Application Form is 04 January 2023.
ثواب کے نیت سے اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ لازمی شئیر کریں۔
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