Executive Director Programs KPK Jobs 2022: The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has announced vacancies at its Executive Director Programs Divisional Headquarters.
Vacancies List: آسامیوں کے نام
- Intelligence & Monitoring Officers
- Staff Officers
- Staff Drivers
- Dak Runners
- Mali
- Cook
- Office Attendants
- Security Guards
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates having Domicile of Districts within the
following Divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to fill in the following vacant posts in respective
Divisional Head Quarters of a public sector organization, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
(A) Peshawar Division
(B) Mardan Division
(C) Merged Districts Head Quarter
(D) Malakand Division
Intelligence & Monitoring Officers:
- At least Second Class Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent qualification from a recognized University.
- Age Limit: 25 to 40 Years
Staff Officers:
- At least Second Class Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university.
- Age Limitation: 25 to 40 Years
Staff Drivers:
- At least 2nd Class Secondary School Certificate having a valid LTV Driving License.
- Age Limit: 18 to 40 Years
Qualification: تعلیم
- Literate
- Primary
- Middle
- Matric (Science/Arts)
- Intermediate (FA/FSC/DAE)
- Diploma
- Bachelor
- Graduation
- Master
اگرآپکو روزنہ فری میں جابزکی وٹس ایپ الرٹ چاہیے تو گروپ جوائن کریں۔ نیچھے گروپ جوائن کریں۔
- Candidates will be provisionally allowed to appear in the ETEA screening test
where applicable. However detailed scrutiny will be carried out by the ETEA
and then by selection committee concerned and if any candidate is found
ineligible in any respect at any stage of the recruitment process, he/she will be
disqualified by the ETEA or selection committee concerned. - Interview calls letter will be issued to short listed candidates on the basis of scrutiny only.
- Short listing will be based on the Screening Test conducted by ETEA (where applicable).
- Candidates should be eligible in all respects by the last date of receipt of the applications.
- Incomplete applications and applications received after due dates will not be entertained.
- The candidates working in Government/Semi-Government bodies should apply through
proper channel, and must submit the No Objection Certificate from the employer. - Candidates intending to apply for more than one post shall apply separately for each post
with separate fee. - ETEA or the selection committee reserves the right to cancel/reject any application with
assigning reason. - No TA/DA will be admissible for test/Interview.
- In case of foreign degree, equivalent certificates from HEC must be provided.
How to Apply for Executive Director Programs KPK Jobs 2022? آپلائی کرنے کا طریقہ
- Candidates can forward applications online via To send an online application – Click Here.
- After successful submission of online application, a prescribed UBL/Easypaisa/JazzCash online deposit slip (having token number, Project code and candidates personal information) will be generated.
- Take a printout of the generated deposit slip and deposit the prescribed test fee (nonrefundable) in any branch of UBL Bank at UBL OMNI agent, Easypaisa app or agent, JazzCash app or agent.
- After successful fee submission, please keep the original deposit slip (candidate copy) having agent’s stamp with yourself and do not share it with anyone else.
- After online apply, don’t send documents/testimonials to ETEA office, copies of testimonials/documents will however, be provided by the candidates who qualify the screening test, as and when required by ETEA as well as selection committee/ assessment and quantification purposes.
- Test or Interview (where applicable) Date, Time & Venue will be mentioned on Roll No. Slip (where test(s) is applicable) or call letter for interview (where applicable).
- No separate Call Letter will be issued to candidates for screening test through postal/courier
means. - The interviews call will be issued to candidates by the concerned Chairman selection
committee as deemed appropriate, through postal/ courier means EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROGRAMS. - The closing date of availability of the Online Application Form is 01 November 2022.
ثواب کے نیت سے اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ لازمی شئیر کریں۔
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Executive Director Programs KPK Jobs 2022
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